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Papers and presentations for download
- Advanced Ride Comfort Development on the Driving Simulator, Applus IDIADA Customer Presentation at the 2020 VI-grade UC, pdf, 2,3MB
- FTire on the Driving Simulator. Presentation at the 2018 VI-grade UC, pdf, 11MB
- FTire and Puzzling Tire Physics: Teacher, not Student. Award-winning presentation at 4. Tyre Colloquium, University of Surrey 2015. PowerPoint+pdf+mp4, zip archive, 185 MB
- FTire Presentation 2013 (without movie files). PowerPoint+pdf, zip archive, 54 MB
- FTire Presentation 2013 (with movie files). PowerPoint+pdf+avi, zip archive, 557 MB (!)
- New High Performance Stiff and Deformable Digital Roads for FTire (2010). pdf, 7.5 MB
- ADAMS/FTire – A Tire Model for Ride & Durability Simulations. pdf, 340 KB
- The FTire Tire Model Family. pdf, 1.3 MB
- FTire, a New Fast Tire Model for Ride Comfort Simulations. pdf, 350 KB
- Reifensimulation mit FTire: Stand und Ausblick (2006). pdf, 860 KB
- FTire Software: Advances in Modelization and Data Supply (2006). pdf, 870 KB
- FTire, ein physikalisch basiertes Reifenmodell. pdf, 400 KB