
The key product FTire/core is a highly accurate physics-based, 3D nonlinear tire simulation model for all kinds of vehicles (cars, SUVs, vans, trucks, combinations, race cars, motorcycles, scooters, aircrafts, heavy machinery, agricultural vehicles, etc.). It is the leading tire model for handling, ride, durability, and NVH analysis.

Key features

  • Is available in a large number of 3rd-party environments
  • Provides the easy-to-use CTI (cosin Tire Interface), which allows full access to all FTire features, and to user-written interfaces or solvers
  • Supports a wide variety of road data formats including RGR, RDF, CAD formats, OpenCRG, and user-written road models
  • Manages an unlimited number of tires and roads per simulation model
  • Includes optional sub-models for detailed tire temperature and thermal effects, internal air flow and air vibrations, flexible rims, soft soil, tread wear, tire imperfections, and tire mis-use
  • Allows easily C-based interfaces to user-written sub-models for deformable rims and road surfaces
  • Provides online or offline animation, movie generation, data plotting, result export in a large variety of different output values and file formats
  • Comes with a comprehensive set of example tire and road data files as well as detailed documentation

Benefits at a glance

  • FTire is the tire model for simulating nearly all tire dynamics phenomena
  • Re-use of the same high-quality tire models throughout the entire tool chain and the whole development process, across all departments
  • Model accuracy is extensively validated with test data

FTire/core solver extensions

FTire/soil, FTire/rim, FTire/link, and FTire/acc extend the modelling capabilities offered through FTire/core. These features add a more detailed description to tire and road simulation analysis, which covers all application fields from ride comfort and handling over durability to NVH. In addition, users are provided with the powerful cosin/tools to handle FTire data.
